Kicker Scoop News – After a terrible news from a Hustler’s website that brings PANIC to all netizens around the world regarding for the Headline of this coming December that 99% of the Earth will experience a total blackout that NASA’s released yesterday, but it was just according to Hustler.

Nasa Confirms 6 Days of No Sun in Earth's other side

This news is just a “HOAX”, based on some research that some websites discovered that the Hustler is also the one who released the past news regarding to the Headline of “END OF THE WORLD” last 2012.

This kind of suspicious people behind this site are just making fun to all of us and just making people to freak out.

This blackout is real, but not going to happen the called total blackout. This is called a Solar Storm which is the Hustler is trying to define for us and make believe in their false alarm.
NASA’s official website exposed that there is no such data of happening like Hustler revealed.

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